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Be familiar with the Visual Art terms. It will help students to understand the Theoretical amd Practical Instructions Better.



Abstract Art: The opposite of Representational Art; Abstract art does not intend to represent anything recognizable in the visible world. The painting may be created completely independent of a subject or elements of the visible subject may be distorted and reduced to basic colors, shapes and possibly textures.

Achromatic: White, black and gray; without color. Achromatic is the opposite of Chromatic. Acrylic Paint: Essentially “plastic” paint, used since the 1940’s. Quick-drying and versatile, it is made by suspending pigment in acrylic resin dispersed in either turpentine or water.

Aesthetics: The study of the philosophy of art, that deals with the study of aesthetic values, such as beauty and the sublime;

Assemblage: Creating a three-dimensional work of art by using found objects. Assemblages can be freestanding or mounted on a panel. See also Collage.

Block Print: A print made by pressing an engraved wooden block on to a surface to make a design, like a more sophisticated (and larger) stamp. Can be used on different materials, such as paper or fabric.

Bristol Board: A stiff, durable cardboard that can be used for drawings or watercolor.

Bronze: A combination of copper and tin, bronze has been a favorite of sculptors since antiquity. The combined metals make bronze harder, stronger and more durable than a single metal alone. Most bronze sculptures have a base created from another substance such as wood or marble.

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“Art has the potential to unify. It can speak in many languages without a translator.”

Barbara Jordan