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Art Exhibition

About the Artist

S. Shekhar
S. Shekhar : Contemporary Artist
Education :
  • UGC-NET in Visual arts from University Grand Commission, New Delhi
  • Master of fine Arts – Painting
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts – Painting. 
Work :
  • He has been expressing his creative ideas through painting on canvas with various media like Watercolor, Charcoal, Acrylic, Oil and Mixed media.
  • Painting is a way for him to express his thoughtful imaginations and its beauty in a creative innovative manner. He would like to paint his ideas, based on concepts comes through the reflection of thought from his life with day to day experience with time. His work is a constant experiment of various media, techniques and searches for the best way to interpret his ideas. For him art practice is a part of life as an important act of meditation, to get mental satisfaction and happiness.
Exhibition participation :
  • He has participated in many Art workshops, Group exhibitions, including State level Karnataka Lalit Kala Academy, Bangalore and National Level Lalit Kala Academi, New Delhi. 
  • He has received several prestigious awards for his creative paintings.
Art collections :
  • His works are in the collection of many private art collectors in Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and Corporate collections of Orpax Qualtra, UIDAI Aadhar etc.

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James Whistler